Load test was conducted on the Memorial Bridge

October 27, 2017

Load test was conducted on the Memorial Bridge

In the morning of October 27th, 2017, a load test was conducted on the south fixed span of the Memorial Bridge. For loading of the bridge, an NHDOT dump truck loaded with Jersey barriers passed the bridge several times on both the northbound and southbound roadways. The test included five pseudo-static and five dynamic runs. The load test data captured by the mounted sensors on the Portsmouth side were used for calibration of the finite element models of the Memorial Bridge.  

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The Structural Sensor Installed on the Vertical Guide Posts

October 1, 2017

The Structural Sensor Installed on the Vertical Guide Posts

The structural sensors on the Vertical Guide Posts (VGP) of the Tidal Turbine Platform System (TTPS) were installed in October 2017. The collected data will be used to a) verify design assumptions for the TTPS mounted on the bridge pier cap, and b) compare the strains predicted by the numerical models with the collected strains to support operational decision-making guides for the operating tidal turbine.

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Turbine Deployment Platform Deployed at the Memorial Bridge

June 22, 2017

Turbine Deployment Platform Deployed at the Memorial Bridge

The turbine deployment platform has been deployed at the Memorial Bridge. It is equipped with instrumentation to measure estuarine parameters in the Piscataqua.

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The Structural Sensors Installed on the Memorial Bridge

March 1, 2017

The Structural Sensors Installed on the Memorial Bridge

The final instrumentation plan for the structural health monitoring was discussed at the June 28, 2016 technical advisory group meeting in Concord, NH, and was approved on July 18, 2016. The structural sensors were installed on the bridge structure in March 2017 and the installation was completed on March 8, 2017.  

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Vertical Guide Posts Installed at the Memorial Bridge

December 7, 2016

Vertical Guide Posts Installed at the Memorial Bridge

The vertical guide posts were installed on the Memorial Bridge by Pepperrell Cove Marine Services. These vertical guide posts will act as a mooring point to hold the turbine deployment platform to the bridge.

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Preliminary Analyses Performed to Design the Instrumentation Plan

February 1, 2016

Preliminary Analyses Performed to Design the Instrumentation Plan

In February 2016, the Living Bridge research team under supervision of the project PI, Prof. Erin Bell concluded the instrumentation plan design. Strain and acceleration data were collected from six separate parts in three different locations of the Memorial Bridge, (1) top of the lift tower, (2) base of the lift tower, and (3)…

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NSF PFI Award Granted to Living Bridge Project

August 15, 2014

NSF PFI Award Granted to Living Bridge Project

The National Science Foundation (NSF) awards a Partnership for Innovation(PFI): Building Innovation Capacity (BIC) award to researchers at the University of New Hampshire. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1430260

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